Chandrima has been drawing and painting for the past three decades. She has been exposed to many cultures of the world during the time, and imbibed the humanity based philosophy of Tagore’s pedagogy, living at Santiniketan.

For her, sitting down to work everyday is like daily meditation that ends as a catharsis of the travails of life.

“The skin of an artist, especially a woman artist, is painfully stretched thin over her consciousness, like an overblown balloon, that a pinprick of malice, hurtful gossip, social stigma can burst and shatter to ground zero and underneath. I create my works from that miasma of pain born out of my variously covertly or overtly abused sexuality. The numerous, almost daily committed assaults on women deeply distress me, and images churn inside me to burst forth, but my consciousness doesn’t know quite how to express the enormity of despair and pain.” Chandrima Bhattacharyya